Kinley Grace is finally here! Although, she obviously was in no hurry. I went in on Tuesday, Nov. 4th at 6:00 am to be induced. The pitocin was started at 7:10 am but she did not come into this world until Wednesday, Nov. 5th at 2:02 am. But it was definitely worth the wait! She was 5 lbs. 10 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. We came home from the hospital on Thursday, Nov. 6th and she weighed 5 lbs. 5 oz. then.
I know I'm partial, but I think she's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen! She may be little but she has long, skinny legs and arms with long, skinny toes and fingers! She has a head full of beautiful dark hair and we're still not totally sure what color her eyes are because she likes to keep them closed most of the time right now.
She seems to be as healthy as can be. She has her first pediatrician appointment tomorrow, though. So far she's pretty spoiled and doesn't like to sleep laying down by herself so the nights are long right now. Her favorite spot it on one of our chests. She's already a daddy's girl and he's already wrapped around her tiny little finger! All of her newborn clothes were too big so she now has some new premie clothes that fit much better!
Woo hoo! The first REAL post about little Kinley! I just love her cute little sleeping self! Some day i'll get to see her eyes. At least she burped for me :)