Bryan met up with some of his college buddies tonight so it was just me and Kinley. We went to dinner at Chick-fil-a, which we both love!!! Then we did a little shopping at Target. Of course, she had to have some popcorn to eat while we shopped (she loves popcorn!). On our way home, she says, "Santa bring cupcakes." So I asked her if she wanted Santa to bring her cupcakes for Christmas and she said, "Yeah." I then asked her what else she wanted Santa to bring her for Christmas and she said, "Car." I asked her if she wanted a little car that you drive around the living room, and she said, "yeah." Bryan showed her a remote control car the other day and I guess she wants one of her own now. I thought it was just so precious and sweet how she asked for Santa to bring her cupcakes.
I love how much she is talking now. You can really have a conversation with her and it is so much fun!
While we were at Target, we found a little craft project that came with a pink and purple foam Christmas tree and a bunch of foam stickers to decorate it with. So we did that when we got home! She loved it and was so proud to show her daddy when she was done! I'll post some pictures of it soon...
I have been slacking on my posts here lately, but I plan to do some updates soon.
We had a good Thanksgiving and we are looking forward to lots of Christmas fun!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Little Miss Model
They did pictures at daycare a couple weeks ago and I really wasn't expecting Kinley to cooperate. I was so surprised when they showed them to me! They changed her outfit into two things other than what I sent her in and I think she is just so adorable (but I am her mother). I just had to show everyone because I think Kinley did great!
We had her 2-year pictures and some family pictures taken this past Saturday morning and I am really excited to see how they turned out. I used a girl that a friend of mine recommended and I really liked her! Thanks, Jill B., for doing our pictures Saturday. And thanks, Jill S., for telling me about her!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
I have to share a funny story...
Tonight I moved the seat part of Kinley's pink princess potty and snapped into the real toilet seat. She was very excited to get up there and potty from the "big potty". She sat there for just a second and then looked up at me and Bryan and said, "I'm a big boy!!!" Oh my gosh, we could not stop laughing. We tried to explain to her that she was a girl and so was mommy. But after every attempt to explain it to her, she happily shouted, "I'm a big boy!!!" So we were quite entertained by that tonight.
We have Kinley's 2-year pictures and our Family pictures scheduled for this Saturday morning outside. I am hoping and praying that the chances of rain will hold off. We really just need a good hour. We will be getting a disc with the pictures from our session on Saturday a week or two later. So as soon as I get that, I will put some pictures up here.
And at some point I am going to figure out how to get Kinley's pictures from daycare on here. They were adorable! I sent her in a leapord print top with hot pink tights. But she also had pictures taken in a blue and white cheerleader outfit and a tie-dye shirt with yellow beaded necklace and a big, multi-colored tulle bow (she looks like a litte 80's girl and I love them!)
I've missed the blogging world...I wish I had time to do it every day...but I have to get some sleep now...see you next time.
We have Kinley's 2-year pictures and our Family pictures scheduled for this Saturday morning outside. I am hoping and praying that the chances of rain will hold off. We really just need a good hour. We will be getting a disc with the pictures from our session on Saturday a week or two later. So as soon as I get that, I will put some pictures up here.
And at some point I am going to figure out how to get Kinley's pictures from daycare on here. They were adorable! I sent her in a leapord print top with hot pink tights. But she also had pictures taken in a blue and white cheerleader outfit and a tie-dye shirt with yellow beaded necklace and a big, multi-colored tulle bow (she looks like a litte 80's girl and I love them!)
I've missed the blogging world...I wish I had time to do it every day...but I have to get some sleep now...see you next time.
Pumpkin Patch 2010
Last Sunday, we met my parents and my brother for lunch after church. Then we all went to the pumpkin patch. It was fun to go with everyone together. Kinley was tired and not feeling great so she was a little fussy, but I think she had fun. I discovered Motley's Pumpkin Patch last year on a website and this was our 2nd year to go there. Its a great one, I think. If you're looking for a huge field of pumpkins, then this one isn't for you. They transport their pumpkins from where they grow them to another location closer to everything else. But they have a sweet little petting zoo, a cow train ride for the kids, and pig races. There's a beautiful log cabin with a gift shop and concession stand. It really is a nice place for kids and to take pictures.
I love when I catch one of Kinley's funny faces with my camera
Checking out the aminals at the petting zoo
Pulling the wagon herself
I rode with Kinley on the cow train ride
Tickling Uncle G with a piece of hay
Trying to get a family picture
Watching for the pigs to start racing
Watching the pigs...she loved the pigs
We had a really good time and I was so thankful to have nice weather. It could have been cooler, but I would rather it be warm and sunny, than cold and rainy. Thanks, Mom and Dad, for taking us all to the pumpkin patch.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
A New Milestone!!!
I realized today that I haven't posted in about a week. So I figured I needed to so I could keep my promise of keeping the blog updated....
We have reached a new milestone with Kinley. She has officially been without her "pappy" (pacifier) for a full week! She had really only had it for naps and nighttime for awhile, but we decided last Sunday just to see what she would do without it. She did pretty good but we did have some rough nights. Whenever she would wake up, she would have trouble falling back asleep without the pacifier. But we made it and in hindsight, it wasn't that bad! I am glad that she doesn't have it anymore, but I admit that its a little sad for me. To me, it means she's growing and and not a baby anymore (even though she'll always be my baby)!
And, yes, I realize that some people may think that its awfully late to just now be taking the pacifier away from her, but I don't care. Everyone has their own opinion for everything, but I'm happy to have her through with it before she turns two. She also uses her own little pink princess potty at least once a day (we're not really pushing the potty-training just yet) and her crib has been converted to a toddler bed since July (not that she stays in it all night or every night yet, either). But we're working on lots of things and she's growing and changing everyday. She is so smart! She talks so much and she has so much energy. I swear she never stops moving...not even in her sleep (she's a very restless sleeper, which makes it that much harder to keep her in her own bed).
I was spraying detangler spray on her hair this morning before church, and she looked at me and said, "Don't spray me, mommy!" Then while I was straightening my hair she said, "That's hot...put it down!" She keeps me laughing all day!
I took some cute pictures of her on my phone yesterday while we were shopping with my mom. I'll try to get those posted in the next couple of days. I'm going to try to get some sleep now since its after 11:00. I've had a lot of trouble sleeping lately so hopefully I can get some sleep tonight.
Goodnight, all!
We have reached a new milestone with Kinley. She has officially been without her "pappy" (pacifier) for a full week! She had really only had it for naps and nighttime for awhile, but we decided last Sunday just to see what she would do without it. She did pretty good but we did have some rough nights. Whenever she would wake up, she would have trouble falling back asleep without the pacifier. But we made it and in hindsight, it wasn't that bad! I am glad that she doesn't have it anymore, but I admit that its a little sad for me. To me, it means she's growing and and not a baby anymore (even though she'll always be my baby)!
And, yes, I realize that some people may think that its awfully late to just now be taking the pacifier away from her, but I don't care. Everyone has their own opinion for everything, but I'm happy to have her through with it before she turns two. She also uses her own little pink princess potty at least once a day (we're not really pushing the potty-training just yet) and her crib has been converted to a toddler bed since July (not that she stays in it all night or every night yet, either). But we're working on lots of things and she's growing and changing everyday. She is so smart! She talks so much and she has so much energy. I swear she never stops moving...not even in her sleep (she's a very restless sleeper, which makes it that much harder to keep her in her own bed).
I was spraying detangler spray on her hair this morning before church, and she looked at me and said, "Don't spray me, mommy!" Then while I was straightening my hair she said, "That's hot...put it down!" She keeps me laughing all day!
I took some cute pictures of her on my phone yesterday while we were shopping with my mom. I'll try to get those posted in the next couple of days. I'm going to try to get some sleep now since its after 11:00. I've had a lot of trouble sleeping lately so hopefully I can get some sleep tonight.
Goodnight, all!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Let's play picture catch up...
Not much has happened since the last time I posted but I wanted to put some pictures on here. These are some of my favorites (they are all from my iPhone so please excuse the quality)...
Here is Kinley today in her new Razorback shirt...too bad the Hogs didn't win
The picture above and below is from last Saturday (Sept. 18th)...the three of us went to McDonald's for breakfast...Kinley loves breakfast food!
All of the pictures below are of me and Kinley one Sunday night before we left for church...I just love them because she was loving on me like crazy!
Friday, September 24, 2010
I miss my mom & dad!
I may be a grown, married woman with a child of my own, but I have been missing my parents this week (they are on vacation in Cancun with another couple). I am so used to talking to them on a regular basis! I've picked up my phone a number of times to try to call them, but realize that I can't. I know it may sound silly to some of you, but I love talking to my parents.
So, MOM and DAD, enjoy your last night in Cancun! But I'm ready for you to be back home so I can call you whenever I want. I love you, guys! (Mom, dont' cry when you read this...just smile!) I'll see you guys soon!
So, MOM and DAD, enjoy your last night in Cancun! But I'm ready for you to be back home so I can call you whenever I want. I love you, guys! (Mom, dont' cry when you read this...just smile!) I'll see you guys soon!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Welcome to our new blog!!!
I am so excited about our new blog. I have spent all evening trying to think of a name (and I realize its not that creative) and then come up with a design. It will probably change, but I wanted to have something to start with. I have so many pictures from the past few months and I hope to find time soon to do a little recapping of all of that.
Please check back often for updates...I promise to better with this blog!
Things to come: 1) Kinley's first Razorback shirt (I'm going to have her wear it Saturday, of course); 2) Funny things Kinley says; 3) Fall Fun (pumpkin patch, etc.); 4) Kinley's 2nd Birthday; and so much more.
And we love to hear your comments!
Please check back often for updates...I promise to better with this blog!
Things to come: 1) Kinley's first Razorback shirt (I'm going to have her wear it Saturday, of course); 2) Funny things Kinley says; 3) Fall Fun (pumpkin patch, etc.); 4) Kinley's 2nd Birthday; and so much more.
And we love to hear your comments!
Beth's Baby Shower
Well, my good friend, Beth, at work is pregnant. She is due to have baby Huck on December 6th, but I won't be surprised if he decides to come earlier. We had a baby shower for her at work yesterday and she got a lot of really cute stuff!
Her nursery is navy, red, and khaki, and the theme is vintage baseball. I ordered her cake from a lady that I always use for cakes. They are always delicious and beautifully decorated!
Thank you to everyone at Arkansas Surgical Hospital who helped make Beth's shower awesome! Many people helped in various ways and I appreciate everything that everyone did to make this day special for Beth.
Now here are a few pics...
Her nursery is navy, red, and khaki, and the theme is vintage baseball. I ordered her cake from a lady that I always use for cakes. They are always delicious and beautifully decorated!
Thank you to everyone at Arkansas Surgical Hospital who helped make Beth's shower awesome! Many people helped in various ways and I appreciate everything that everyone did to make this day special for Beth.
Now here are a few pics...
Thinking of making a change...
Well, here I 1 of trying to do better with my blog. I have neglected it quite a bit over the past year or so. I hate that I haven't kept it as up to date as I wanted to. But thanks to my wonderful friend, AMANDA, I realized that there are people whom I love that I don't necessarily get to see or talk to all the time, but I would love for them to stay up-to-date with what's going on in our lives and how much Kinley changes every day!
When I first started this blog, Kinley was the only thing on my mind! While she is still very much the main thing on my mind, I have come to realize that there is so much more to our lives as a family. And I pray and hope that one day there will be more additions to our family. We grow and change everyday, both together and separately, and I'm thinking about creating a new blog (that I would link to this one...) that would be more about us all as a family. My dilemma is a name. If you have any suggestions for what our new and improved "family blog" could be called, please let me know.
When I first started this blog, Kinley was the only thing on my mind! While she is still very much the main thing on my mind, I have come to realize that there is so much more to our lives as a family. And I pray and hope that one day there will be more additions to our family. We grow and change everyday, both together and separately, and I'm thinking about creating a new blog (that I would link to this one...) that would be more about us all as a family. My dilemma is a name. If you have any suggestions for what our new and improved "family blog" could be called, please let me know.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Try to do better!
This is my first time to try to post from my iPhone. I want to see how it does because starting today, I am going to try to update my blog more regularly. I have neglected it a lot over the past year or so. More to come...
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I know its been a long time...
Let's start with a few pics:
I haven't posted anything in quite a long time!!! We no longer have a home computer that works or internet. I occassionally borrow my dad's laptop and that is what I am using right now. I really do wish I had kept this blog updated better, but I will try my best to at least make periodic posts of the lastest Floyd Family News...
Kinley is growing and changing everyday! I can't believe how much she is talking these days. She says so many things. Here are a few examples:
"I want cheerios."
"I love shoes." (at Target in the shoe isle last week )
"Don't touch it." (She says this a lot when she lays her washcloth over the edge of the bathtub)
"I wanna sit."
"I love you." (MY FAVORITE!!!)
"Its OK, Carter." (She says this to our friends' baby)
"Hush, Susi!" (She calls our dog (Lucy) Susi)
She can tell you many of her body parts: eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, cheek, tongue, ears, hair, neck, arms, legs, hands, feet, and tummy.
She doesn't just walk now, she RUNS!!! And she can run fast! She is hilarious. She is also not afraid of water at all. If it was up to her, she would walk straight into the pool without anything. It doesn't even bother her when her face goes under the water. She is my little tadpole.
Bryan taught her to give "hug with arms." For awhile now, if you ask for a hug, she just lays her head on you and says, "awww." Now you can ask for a "hug with arms" and she'll wrap her arms around your neck and give you a hug. Its the sweetest thing ever!
I'm sure there's more new things but I'm going to go for now. I have an unexpected day off today so I need to get some things done around the house.
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