Its funny to think I'm doing almost the same thing I was exactly 6 months ago. As most of you know, I went in to be induced early in the morning on November 4th. So on Sunday night, the 3rd, I was up late doing a million things: cleaning, packing, worrying, thinking, etc. And here I am tonight trying to do a million things to get ready for Kinley to start daycare tomorrow. And of course I'm worrying! I am trying to get things washed, organized, and packed. I'm trying to figure out what will be coming and going each day, and what will be staying at daycare in her "cubby". I feel kind of like Santa at Christmas...I'm making my lists and checking them twice. Except in the case of my OCD, I'm checking them more like four or five times. I want her to have everything she could possibly need (except her mommy, of course :)!). I have been trying to label everything that I couldn't get embroidered. I tend to behave like this when I know I've got too much going on in my head to sleep. On a normal night, I would have been asleep for an hour or two by this time, but I don't even feel sleepy right now. Please pray for me tomorrow and probably for the next week or two. I really hate the idea of leaving Kinley with strangers. And I really hate that I miss so much of her life. If someone offered me the opportunity to work from home so I could be with her, I would do it in a heartbeat! I got permission from my boss to come in a little late tomorrow so me and Bryan could both take her. So pray that I'm actually able to drive myself to work tomorrow and not sit outside of the daycare all day. And hopefully I will be able to pull myself together so I can go into work and not look crazy! Just pray! We will all need it. Kinley seems to be starting a "separation anxiety" stage right now and usually cries when left with someone else or even when someone else holds her. I really don't want her to cry tomorrow. I want her to have fun! Thank you in advance to everyone who will be thinking about us and praying for us tomorrow! Kinley is a very loved little girl!
P.S.- The time stamps for these posts aren't always correct becuase it is actually 12:30 right now.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Lots of Firsts & Fun!!!
We've been pretty busy the past couple of weeks. We've all had stuff going on and so I haven't been keeping up with the blog very well. This post is packed with pictures so enjoy!
Izzy and Kinley playing in the nursery a couple of Sundays ago
Here they are "talking" to each other"
A Sunday afternoon nap...the best!
After Kinley's FIRST softball game. She seemed to enjoy watching everything but eventually she fell asleep. Daddy's team won, by the way!!! Go Lynchview!
Here we are outside of Dickey Stevens Park before Kinley's FIRST Travelers Game on April 24th. She wouldn't look at the camera. We went to dinner at Casa Mexicana with Kristyn and David before the game. Then we saw Ryan, Amanda, Krista, and Kayla at the game.
Kinley got tired and fell asleep. We bought her a pink Travelers baseball as a souvenier.
Kinley and Daddy with the field in the background.
Here we are outside the park after the game.
Kinley has a new toy...its one of those play things where she can stand up and the seat spins all the way around so she can get to all of the toys. Its like one of those exersaucers but its shaped like a triangle at the bottom and the part she stands on bounces. She seems to love it! But her feet don't quite reach the bottom even though we have it on the highest level. I guess she's going to be a shorty like her mommy.
She discovered the tag and that's all she wanted to get after that. She tried for quite some time to get it in her mouth.
What a pretty girl!
On Tuesday, Kinley had rice cereal for the FIRST time. She has always been so small so the pediatrician and I decided to wait until she was around 6 months old to start solids. She will be 6 months May 5th, but I decided to go ahead and get her started. She doesn't seem to like it very much, but she does pretty well sitting up and eating from a spoon.
She made a mess because she kept spitting it out and grabbing the spoon.
She liked chewing on the spoon.
This is how she fell asleep the other night.
We are having so much fun watching her grow and learn new things every day. She always had such a sweet disposition and smiles all the time. On Friday, she rolled over from her back to her stomach, but she has trouble getting her arm out from under her. She's becoming quite the little wiggle worm. She is also starting to sit up pretty well. She can only do it for a few seconds right now, but she seems to be getting better and better at it.
She will be starting daycare tomorrow. I'm pretty nervous about it. I just hate the idea of leaving her with strangers. I think she'll have fun and I'm sure it will be good for her, but I still hate it.
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